Kyleigh in Korea
mission update-week 36
One of my most recent favorite miracles :)....
So last week my companion and I needed to make a phone call one night while we were out and about. I suggested that we stop by the McDonalds to go inside where it was quieter so we could make the phone call. When we walked in a lady started flagging me down and saying hello. I didn't know who she was. My comp and I walked over and come to find out she remembered me from around Christmas time when I was serving in a trio for a week and a half. She had talked to one of the other American sisters I had been serving with. She talked about how it was fate that I walked into the McDonalds She had a friend with her who was curious about our church doctrine, so we ended up teaching them a full blown lesson there in McDonalds! Something my last comp told me before she returned home was to not only carry with me my Korean Book of Mormon everywhere, but especially my Korean Bible...No matter how heavy my bag is I should always have it with me because people think we don't believe in the Bible. That same morning my comp was teasing me about carrying around the Bible because she said we never use it...come to find out that night we needed it in the McDonalds to prove that we do believe in the Bible. What a blessing to have had the Bible with us! I learned we should always be prepared to teach a lesson, and that following little promptings can bring the biggest blessings! Also, among all the people we talk never know what seeds are being planted and what good it can do :) The Lord really does work in mysterious ways. We just have to trust him because this is his work. Not mine or anyone else's. I'm just an instrument in his hands like we all are to help everyone around us!
Love you all so much! Thank you for all your prayers, love and support!!!
Sister Kyleigh Cooper
Three of my companions...we all went to lunch together on P-day.

Our area missionaries
Elder Miller
Elder Song
Sister Kim and I....
This is one of our English class attendees.
She has been coming to our English class for awhile now.
She and I get along really well. :)
Her name is 김혜림!
In other family news this week....
First off we loved our four day weekend and the break from school. It was so so nice. :)
There was lots of random stuff going on...
For starters....Playing Dress Up!
Emma and Hannah love doing Kate's hair and make-up and putting her in time period or character costume. They spend hours doing it.. needless to say they spend some quality time together. haha
It poops Kate right out! ;)
Catniss from Hunger Games in case you were wondering. ;)

Padme from Star Wars!
Brie went swimming with cousins...
and to the Wairhouse Trampoline Park with a friend.
These kind of places freak her out so can't say that she enjoyed herself too much.
A trip to the dentist.
He said she is ready for braces. AHHHH!
She can't wait.
I try and tell her it's not FUN.
You'd think after watching her three older sisters go through the torture
she'd be dreading it. Nope.
Hannah at an indoor soccer game with friends...
Lunch date with daddy at work!
Prepp'in the drill lockers for Region Competition this weekend.
We provided dinner for a cute family in our ward.
Did a picnic lunch theme..
Meat and Cheese Rolls
Potato Salad
apples, grapes, carrots
Izze drinks
watermelon rings and cupcakes.
I put a plastic tablecloth and paper plates in the bucket too, hoping they could have their picnic together on their family room floor.
{found cute printables from}
Got Kyleigh's birthday and Valentine package put together and shipped off!
Missionary Mall sells these reversible tops.
{wonder'in if she's gonna like it}
She always requests deo and toothpaste to be sent whenever I send a package. haha
Those items are not normal over there in Korea.
Some fun finds!
Hannah and I smelled our noses off at Bath n Body Works.
They have a lot of fun room sprays right now.
Venice Peach Bellini was our fav!
These are at Costco. Yum!
Tastes like a crunchy fry!

On a side note: Eat them with an In and Out Burger and your taste buds will thank you.
I'm telling you, there is nothing better than a good hamburger.
In and Out does it right by me!
{even more so than Five Guys, Tony Burgers and JCW's}
And when I need to lessen my wheat intake...
the Low Carb Burgers at Carl's Jr. are SUPER de-lish too, but messy.
cuz the lettuce is your bun. ;)
{even more so than Five Guys, Tony Burgers and JCW's}
And when I need to lessen my wheat intake...
the Low Carb Burgers at Carl's Jr. are SUPER de-lish too, but messy.
cuz the lettuce is your bun. ;)
Lov'in these tamales from Costco...
no wheat in them {thank you!}
They come in Chicken or Pork.
SO SO tasty smothered with peach and mango salsa...
So over the break I tried using Gluten free flour on my favorite cookie recipe.
I was curious how they would taste....
you can definitely tell a difference, no surprise there...
but they were still edible.
{They got eaten!}
One daughter even said, "Can you make these more often?"
haha really?
The Bohme warehouse sale was this week.
We found some fun things a year ago.
{Like my favorite pair of jeans that I wear ALL the time. Jeans are $10!}
My favorite find this time around...these boots. $20 bucks!!!
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