November Wrap!
Blessed Thanksgiving!
We had our traditional grateful breakfast....
with cinnamon rolls & pumpkin sausage rolls!


Then we got a cook'in....
green bean casseroles
and mashed potatoes...

yummy mashed potato tip...
add butter, cream cheese, heavy cream
and ranch dressing powder
to your potatoes...

We had our Thanksgiving meal
at Gma C's...

Emmsie decorated the table SO FESTIVE!

Kyleigh, Tyler and Lilly Belle were with us
for most of the day’s festivities…
then they headed to
Kanab on Thanksgiving night to spend time
with Tyler's side of the fam for a
a couple of days.


Aunt Dori has two foreign exchange
students living with her family.
From Venice and Paris.
So this was their first time
having a Thanksgiving meal.

We went for pie at my sisters late afternoon.

My brother-in-law made over 30 pies
for family and friends.
We got to bring home one of our
favorite pies... coconut creme!
It's so good.
I just eat the filling though. lol

The fam went to see the movie
Thanksgiving night.
B has been so excited to see this show.

We celebrated Lilly Belle's
1st b-day. She loves pizza
so we celebrated with an
Italian theme.
She wanted nothing to do with her smash cake!
She would barely touch it. lol
She loved this though!
Year in
Like her smash cake....
She wanted nothing to do with her
12th month photoshoot either.
In other family news...
Election night was fabulous.
A red tsunami...
For this political junkie
it was one of the best nights of my life!
😂 🙌

Also so excited for RFKjr
to get all the toxic crap
out of our food!
This was Kyleigh's t-shirt!
We had a celebration!!!
Having some of Trump's favorite foods...
Then.... the week even got better
when BYU
pulled off a thrilling win
against the U!
Seriously one of the best fetching weeks of
my life!
I got to go to 4 home football games
this year.
One in August, September, October, and November!
The last one we attended
was one of the coldest
I've ever experienced.
It was like 32 degree's!
The one of the hottest!
Such a fun season we had.
Four-way tie for first in the Big 12!
So awesome AND unexpected as
we were predicted to finish 13th
in the Conference.
One of our favorite football treats..
Roasted almonds!
In other random....
We made bridal shower favors
for our neighbor getting married.
Her wedding colors are white and light blue.
We filled baggies with light blue
Hershey kisses and this tag.
We forgot to get pics of them.
We had our hands full
that night
with that project AND Miss Lilly Belle,
who we were tending overnight.
Our third sleepover and maybe our last! lol
We've attended a bridal shower....
and a 90th birthday celebration
for one of my favorite people....
some gift giving....

Holiday Market go'in....
and some more decorating....
Emmsie and I helped my sister
decorate for a company event...
In food news.....
Dinner Group at Hug-Hes Cafe...
They offer gf buns.

Have you had a persimmon before?
They are in season.
So tasty!!!
Someone got dished their least fav food...
for good reason. haha
Sushi take-out!!!!
Yummy Spitz street fries!
Jaren making squash soup!
AND lastly.....All 3 trees are up!
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