A Peek Into Our Week....
Kate and her cousins did a Camelot theme.
She was Queen Guinevere
Taylor was King Arthur and the twins were Medieval knights...
and Brie dressed as Merlin...just for the pictures 😂
Although she refused to wear the top part
of the wizard wig...
of the wizard wig...
{so you don't get the full effect
but you get the idea...}
Brie's best friend and Kate's came trick or treating with us.
pic with the Bell cousins ...
Our Halloween-y porch...
How cool is this?
Halloween school lunch for Kate...
Meat and "monster" cheese quesadilla
Kate had a cheering section..
the best costume award goes to a friend's family...
she has seven kids dwarfs
How stink'in cute is this????
Emmsie did her hair so pretty!I got to help with Kate's classroom party
at the apple nacho bar!
Our Family Halloween Dinner...
Pumpkin relish tray...
and pizza mummies
{both ideas I saw online}
cutest Visiting Teaching Message this month
by the talented Marci Coombs HERE
*****Young Women's In Excellence was also this week!
A Hawaiian Moana Theme...
Hannah got to conduct the meeting-
She also talked about her 10 hour
Choice and Accountability Project.
She used her hours working at her job for her project...
Brie talked about her Individual Worth Project and theimportance of developing your talents...
This girl loves to draw
and spends hours doing it...
She has an undying love for anything Disney so she draws mostly Disney characters.
Her sketch book is chuck full of them...
She would like to be a Disney animator one day!

Took the kiddos to Sweeto Burrito to celebrate good report cards!
I flipped over their s'more burrito...
so dang good!
Night out with neighbor friends....
We tried Alamexo Cantina for the first time.
It's been rated the #1 Mexican restaurant in SLC.
Their fresh guacamole was a win win...👌
everything was just SO SO delicious!
This restaurant has quite the
Day of the Dead ambience.
I loved it!
And so fitting we went this week
since Mexico just celebrated that holiday!
And in other random.....Here are my little Primary friends presenting the Bishop with a thank-u gift!
Kyleigh's social life...
cracks me up.
I love her stories!
This was a blind date.
hanging with one of her best-est buds.
She went and sat with Hannie and friends at the late night
Murray Hockey away game in Provo.

on campus impromptu mission gathering....

Girls Night with her besties!

Lunch with a Korean family and mission friends....
Halloween Night!
She missed out on our Star Wars
Halloween Theme last year.
She's such a Star Wars fan so she
dressed up as Rey.....
dance down in Provo...
Hang'in with her Korean friends...
and at the Korean K-pop dance!
Along with an almost all nighter Netflix's Stranger Things
party at her apartment.
Two video funnies!
From a current BYU student on the
University Snapchat page.
University Snapchat page.
We got the giggles over it.
Cuz my college girls feel this way too!
Oh gosh toooooo funny!
The majority of our family
{other than the hubs and Kyleigh}
HATES to answer the doorbell...
99% of the time we just don't do it-
unless we are expecting someone..
so we find this SO hilarious and true!!!!}
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