A Peek into our Week....
We sold my car!
{gosh dang! a sad sad day for me...
I legit cried over it several times}
I've been driving my dream car...
an old beat up 1994 Land Cruiser
for the past 16 years.
We bought it the summer of 2001.
Practically raised my kids in it.
It's been such a good car to us...
and I drove it till it was past it's last leg...
Towards the end it rumbled and grumbled..
leaked oil all the time...
rear view mirror was busted
and taped and re-taped...
and taped and re-taped...
seats were ripped..
the electrical was a little haywire...
I couldn't lock it without worrying if I would be able to get it unlocked...
Finally, after the battery died
it was time to say goodbye....
but with much reluctance.
Everyone knew this was our car from the Y sticker on the back!

potential buyers were chomping at the bit to come and see it.
The first person who showed up bought it!
The new owner restores Land Cruisers...
he's going to pour thousands into it and fix it up for his wife to drive.
Felt better knowing it was going to good hands and not being torn apart for just parts...
and the dump!
a pic of the kiddos in the Cruiser...back in the day
saying good bye to an old friend...
on the way back from a former missionary companion's homecoming...
Kyleigh's car, Louie, broke down...
{Sister Cordero's detailed letters were the ones that made me die of laughter.}
Attended my parent's street party.
They've lived in the same house since 1959!
So fun visiting with the old timers who have been there almost as long as my parents.
College fun!
Big Week for Hannah as it was Murray's Homecoming Week!
Wednesday night was the Powder Puff flag football game...
where the Senior girls play against the Junior girls.
The Men of Sparta performed a drill number at halftime!
There were like 60 guys dancing...
Let me tell you...
they are way more entertaining to watch than the actual drill team.
Later that night we went to the Murray Hockey season opener.
Hannah LOVES hockey.
She has some good friends on the team,
and is one of their biggest supporters.
The hubs, Brie and I went even though the game started way late on a school night,
like 9:30!
We won a close, intense game!
Thursday night, at Spartan Spectacular, Hannah was introduced as part of Homecoming Royalty.
Friday morning the hubs and I attended the Homecoming Assembly.
She had to play games with her date in front of the school.
That was kinda fun... and awkward!

Her friend Lexi was crowned Homecoming Queen!
Friday night was the Homecoming Football game...
We were proudly there in ourorange and black!!!!
(I even dug out my class sweater from my cedar hope chest.}
The hubs annual fly fishing outing
with the neighbors
has fallen on Homecoming for the
past two years...
so he wasn't able to come BUT
Kyleigh cheered enough for the two of them..She loves Murray sooo much...she was so excited to be at the game!
Hannah had a fun time with the Homecoming Royalty activities at halftime!

She felt so honored to even be nominated Homecoming Royalty.

Our neighbor is only a freshman, but plays Varsity!!!
We are so proud of him!!!π
Saturday in the wee hours of the night was beyond interesting...We heard a huge pop like sound outside around 12:30'ish.
Which resulted in a power outage that lasted for 10 1/2 hours.
When morning came...
With no heat, combined with un-season like cool temperatures I hunkered down in bed and read some of this by flashlight!
Here is Hannie that morning trying to get ready
-by flashlight-
π³ π
for her Homecoming day-date!
-by flashlight-
π³ π
for her Homecoming day-date!
They had a group of 12.
The boys made them breakfast, then they went on a scavenger hunt in the Mall.Fun Fun!!!
Saturday night was the dance!
Found this dress at Dillard's the first time out dress shopping.

I swear last years Homecoming it took us
9 different times out looking
before we found a dress...
so it was a mini miracle we found this on our first try!
She went with her good buddy Stew!
Had a blast! π
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