Kyleigh In Korea
mission update-week 60
I hope this finds you all happy and enjoying your summer. The latest news from Korea is that it's hot, it's humid, Hagrid {my hair} is alive, and I'm happy. It is so hot that my ice cream bar that I am currently eating is releasing cold/steam air of some sort. I hope everyone had a Happy Fourth of July! We went over to the Needhams, the six of us missionaries, to have a big dinner and 4th of July celebration. :)
We've had a cat situation at the church. One was stuck in the boiler downstairs. The bishop came over with his tools and got him out. Go Bishop! The next day we could hear another one... so the Elders were down in the basement trying to find it. He was found hiding behind a bookshelf. We have the cat rescue on video. I was wigging out. It was so funny!
I swear every time we walk out of the house the strangeness just starts. Like everyday there is something. We walk out of the house and it's one thing after the other. These Korean people are strange and hilarious. I love it. Now that I can somewhat understand the language, its so funny to see and hear what people say. I think I just find people in general hilarious.
It has been raining this entire past week. It's their monsoon season. It is POURING RAIN all the time. We went out on this less active finding activity that the Bishop wanted us to do. He put us on a hunt to find all these less actives. We were out in the POURING rain trying to find where these people live. Reading the maps, figuring out where we were was kinda difficult, but I was proud of us. We found almost every apartment that we needed to. It was an adventure.
We are starting the 30/30 program with two of our investigators. Their English names are Heather and Diana. We will have to take it slow with them. They were feeling the pressure because it was a church thing. We were glad that they are at least willing to come and listen and do English with us. We had a member present for our meeting. It was good.
We called this lady that stopped us on the street. She wanted to meet with us the next day. We got kind of worried because usually good things like this don't happen. Is she from some weird church or just want to bible bash? We had the old Relief Society President come and be there for the lesson. I was thankful she was there. This is the first legit lesson we have had in a LONG time where someone is just interested in Jesus and the gospel, rather than learning English. My companion and I could feel the spirit pretty strongly. This lady was just crying like the whole time, and she didn't know why. We tried to explain to her that it was the spirit . So that was our big miracle for the week. We don't know what's going to happen. She didn't really commit to meeting with us again for sure. But we are hoping we can meet again with her on Saturday. I have become extremely determined this transfer to help someone receive baptism. This could be my last few weeks in Dogye or I could stay another transfer and my trainee could leave, but we loose 20 missionaries after this transfer and only gain 2. scary and sad.
God is good. I'm thankful for you all in my life. Our family rocks. Like seriously, I've met so many missionaries who come from broken families. We are blessed.
Love you all!
Sister Cooper
In other family news....
Happy Fourth of July!
We went to the Murray parade to cheer Hannah and the drill team on...
Time enjoyed with family and friends..
The bagpipes.
my favorite.
Hannah post parade...
she was dy'in....
super hot walk along the parade route!
A little KFC...a must on the 4th!
A little disappointed with my chicken.
AND they forgot to give us the coleslaw.
What the heck?
We may just have to break from tradition next year. haha
Patriotic dessert kabobs...
made from fruit, cakes, and taffy!
I can't eat half this stuff so mine was pretty boring..
consisted of strawberries, bananas and taffy.
Just have to give a shout out to my Emma!
She found out this week that she passed her three AP tests.
{sigh of relief}
Even getting a 5, the highest you can get, on her AP ART HISTORY exam.
Way to go Emmsie!!
A little 4th of July treat for my parents.
Just so you know...
Smith's bakery has some of the best soft cookies around.
I kinda have to stay away from them, but their cranberry/orange as well as their lemon I've had gosh. yummy, yummy!
All my kids are freaked out by sparklers..expect for B. Olivia!
Frisbee and
Fireworks with the cousins...
Rounds of one of our favorite card games "Blink!" while wait'in for fireworks!
Catch'in up with girlfriends over lunch.
Memorable food and conversation, and a photo shoot with an Aston Martin.
I felt like a Bond Girl for about 5 minutes.
a little outing to one of Brie's favorite places...
Barnes 'n Noble.
She tends her twin cousins quite a bit.
She bought herself a book.
Water balloon fight with a friend...
Swimming and hanging with the cousins...
*****Hannah had Drill Camp this week.
SUPER tiring.
It's been a rough week for my Hannie.
Dinner with friends...
I was lucky enough to go to the same restaurant TWICE this week.
{Obviously didn't get enough of it the first time around.}
If you want some super de-lish gourmet gotta try Taqueria 27!
We took a stroll down the street after to the SOHO food park for dessert....
where we were introduced to the Danish Food Truck.
I died from the cuteness.
The workers are even color coordinated with their truck..with Danish accents to boot. ;)
My favorites this week!!!!
Blessed food!
Good Grief!
Have I got an issue with them!
I could eat the whole bag.
Good thing they are Gluten free.
AND THIS is by far, one of mine and the kiddos favorite shows this summer!
SIMON!!! is back. :)
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