The curls!!!!!
They went miniature golfing earlier in the day.
Went up to Memory Grove in a limo for pics
with their group of 16.
Went to dinner up in Salt Lake and
to the dance.

One of the traditions
during Homecoming week is the
Powderpuff Football game!
In other family random....
My cute niece's little baby boy
was blessed.
and Kyleigh's time as Miss Murray
is officially over.
Pageant Day was bittersweet. It started with a really nice luncheon held for her, the candidates, and
former Miss Murray's
that could be in attendance.
this year they wanted to bring back
and recognize on stage as many
former Miss Murray's as they could.
Kyleigh and the director
put this cool slideshow together
to show that night at the pageant.
This girl loves her hometown.
More than anyone I know!
She has served it well this past year.
Her end year slideshow file was too big for
this format to post, but it was
sure fun to watch.
What a year she has had!!!!
What a beautiful sight to me.
I would've been there, but the pageant fell
on the same night.
{Just my luck!}
We rushed home
to watch the rest of the big game.
Better believe we were out front at midnight waving the flag
and throwing the football around in celebration.
Nothing like peach cobbler with
strawberry Tilamook ice cream
thanks to Emmsie's and Kate's skills in the kitchen.
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