Here's to Week 5 of
Cooper's Covid-19 Coping!
Whoa! If things
aren't weird enough. They just
got weirder this past week.
My mother in law fell not once
but twice. The hubs and her had
a trip to the ER. She fractured a
part of her back. I have two girls that
live with her so that FREAKED
them out. Both falls happened
in the early morn and middle of
the night. That always seems
to add to the frantic-ness of a
situation. There's nothing like being
jolted out of bed at 4:15 am
with an emergency!
Then Hannah got sick...
which there is a whole back story
to ALL THAT. So that was worrisome.
She is feeing much better now. I
finally saw her after 3 1/2 days.
Also, there were two sturdy aftershocks
that were unsettling.
I think I suffer from phantom
quake syndrome now.
Thank u Earth!
The Governor announced that
digital learning will continue
for the rest of the school year.
Which we were expecting, yet
it's still really weird when you
think about it. But... I'm totally
okay with it. So is Kate. Brie
would have liked to have gone
back for the last couple of weeks
as it was her last year at the
Junior High.
And then there was a
murder... {I can't even}
The beautiful couple
that was shot down in a home
invasion over the weekend...
My sister and her family
live across the street from the
girl's parents! They've known this
family for years and watched
Katherine grow up. My sister's
family are beyond devastated
by this horrific news.
It's been heart breaking to hear
the inside scoop on that tragedy
from a close neighbor's point of view.
Then we witnessed a bird that
was killing or already had killed
another bird on gma's front lawn.
Feathers and guts...
So ya....Not sure what's up with
this week, but it's been a bit
disturbing... to say the least.
On a lighter note...
This is how we occupied our time
in isolation this week...
Kate was entertained by tin foil.
{Whatever floats your boat girl!}
She legit made some cooking pans
and utensils and cooked her food
over the stove {with an extra
rack for protection}
She's a funny one.
Another day she made a homemade
water filter...
She's working her creative
magic with these rolls of ribbon.

Another day she was collecting rain water...
not sure why...haha
She made the best blondie brownies
{by herself} with almond flour
for our Sunday dessert.
Chopping nuts is one of her favorite things
to do in the kitchen.

She and I went out riding on the tandem.

Bing wanted to come too.
Hannah read three books in
like 3 days. That is saying something.Cuz she doesn't like to read...
Kyleigh had her IFDE
{International Folk Dance Ensemble}
tryouts by video audition.
So both Brie and I helped tape
her doing a myriad of different types of dance
over at the church.
She just got awarded a $1200 scholarship
from the dance department.
For our theme this week
we did some Spotlighting!
Our plan is to spotlight one
family member a week.
The person being spotlighted will
come up with a Kahoot quiz
about themselves for the family to play.
One night we'll get their favorite treat.
On another we'll do a simple activity
of the spotlight's choice.
of the spotlight's choice.
Throughout the week we'll
watch one of their favorite movies,
maybe play their favorite game,
and eat one of their favorite meals.

At the beginning of the week
we played an All About Mom
Kahoot. This was quite fun for me
to put together. I tried to think of
questions from when I was a child,
teenager, and dating the hubs. It was
kinda tricky for everyone. I think
they learned a few things. LOL
One night we got shakes!
My favorite treat!
An Iceberg Rocky Road
with Peanut Butter Shake
WITH fries and fry sauce..
Yum to the tum.
Ice cream and fries are my
favorite combination.

Another night, since writing in my journal is
one of my favorite things to do,
{I've written in my journal
on and off since I was 7 yrs old}
I encouraged the
fam to sit down and do some journaling.
Ya know to document
how we are living history right now.
I do have a couple journal writers.
More so Kyleigh, Hannah and Brie.
The others not so much.
But that's okay, I think I have things
pretty well documented. haha
After a few short minutes
we were off track anyway and we ended up having
an economy lesson 101 from the hubs
cuz Hannah had a question on how the stock market works.
Oh, and also that night
they guessed what my 10 things are that
I hate, but most people love.
I'll share.
Not in any particular order.
1. Lagoon
{Which is weird cuz I used to really love it as a kid and teenager.}
2. Sitcoms
3. The summer heat!
4. Most forms of social media
5. shorts
{you'll never see me wear them...even in the dead heat}
6. CNN
{most news channels negative}
7. The Mall
8. kid's playdates
{cuz I feel like I have to have my whole house clean}
9. Diet Soda
{If I drink pop, I'd rather have the real thing!}
10. Hollywood
{celebrity worshiping}
I think I could have listed
a few more actually,
but I'll leave it at that!
Another night all the girls and I
-minus Hannah who was sick-
played favorite board game..
Friday night was
Mama Mia II watching...
One of my favorite musicals.
The hubs was {gladly} on an
evening mountain bike ride
with a neighbor.
It not his kind of show. haha
I was able to have one of my
favorite meals..
a JDawg!
*****Other random things that brought
light and joy
to our week...
A Bath 'n Body delivery.
Happiness in a box I tell ya.
I shared the joy with my two
ministering ladies with these
cute soaps!
Getting Friday night take out
at several different locations
for us, my parents and mother-in-law.
It's like a well thought out plan.

Altho Emmsie and I waited in a line at
In 'n Out for 25 mins...
for just one burger and shake.

On Saturday morning we celebrated our
1 year anniversary of the move into our home
with a yummy brunch....
of Hruskas Kolaches.
They have savory egg and bacon,sausage and gravy
...fruit filled and cinnamon.
They are pretty dreamy!
Our neighbors put together a funSaturday night activity for the
neighborhood. All those participating
filled out a questionnaire about
themselves and they put together
a neighborhood Kahoot! They
passed out everyone's favorite
candy bar with popcorn and pop.
Downloaded a play list of
everyone's favorite song to sing.
They did a fabulous job! I really
do live in a wonderful neighborhood!
Can u guess what living person I'd have lunch with?
Trying a new rib recipe....we boiled the ribs in apple juice
We would have put them in the
crock pot but they wouldn't all fit!
Then the hubs and I
seasoned and basted them
in BBQ sauce and baked them in the oven!
Cooking ribs is intimidating to me.
We were all anxious to try them,
but darn it, we weren't thrilled
with the way they turned out.
I think we will leave the rib
making to Gma C.
But gosh, we tried.
My Dad had his 88th birthday!We had a family parade of cars
come by the house to
honk and wave.
A line up of 14 cars.
+ some neighbors!
It was great fun!!!
One sister threw rolls of toilet paper
instead of candy!
Then they turned around and came by again
from the opposite direction.
Good times!Best thing that's
happened all week!
And lastly,
In my humble efforts to spread a little cheer
I put together this basket of
yellow things for my sister's family...
hoping to bring
a bit of sunshine
after the tragic news of
their friend.
BTW, My niece Chelsey is the one
that set up the
Go Fund Me Account
for the Butterfield family.
{pic from Chelsey's fb post}
If you are able and wanting to help these kids, please donate.
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