Emma, Hannah and I enjoyed making these cute spice cupcakes yesterday...they are looking a little frightened to be gobbled up don't ya think?
We survived another Sunday morning...
Sundays mornings are quite the production around here especially when Jaren and I both have early morning meetings. It was also a big day for the kids as it was the Primary Program. I get home from my mtg. and find that three kids are still snoozing away...ahhhhh! Not so good when we are under a time crunch. I only had a little over an hour to get them ready before I had to be back at the church. Not sure quite how we managed to pull it off but here little Brie and Hannah are ready a half hour before church even starts, ready to roll. Eventhough Sunday mornings can be a mad rush I admit they've seem to run so much smoother now that I'm required to be there early. You'd think it would be the opposite. Crazy how that works!
The girls did a great job on their speaking parts. I'll share Brie's because I have hers memorized too...we went over it like a gazillion times! ....Families are ordained of God...Proclamation: Paragraph 7.. It was so cute hearing her try and say those big 'p' words.
Those turkey cupcakes are adorable!! Your girls look so cute all ready for church - isn't the Primary program the best!! Know what ya mean about the early meetings. Jeff leaves for church at 5:45am now that he's in the bishopric & it seems like I'm never late now that I bring everyone on my own. Go figure!